✨ Generate interactive lead funnels with AI
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AI-powered Analytics

Analyze qualitative and quantitative data with ease using involve.me’s built-in analytics dashboards. Harness the power of AI to speed up your data analysis and report generation.

  • Gain powerful lead insights
  • Optimize for higher conversions
  • Make smarter data-driven decisions
Based on 1000+ Reviews on

Used daily by more than 3,000 businesses worldwide.

Why would you need detailed AI-powered analytics?

Collecting data for the sake of data collection is not of much value to any organization. Data accumulated from quizzes, surveys, forms and calculators can be turned into an extremely valuable asset if being properly looked into. 

involve.me’s platform offers, for every project you create, detailed analytics dashboards so you don’t need to rely on any other 3rd party dashboarding tools. Using these dashboards you can dive deeper into the overall performance of your project as well as your participant answers to gain valuable customer insights and learn how you can optimize for more conversions. 

Our built-in dashboards include general performance metrics, breakdown per question, detailed view of all responses, conversion funnel and more. In addition, our AI insights will help you make sense of all your qualitative and quantitative data in just a matter of minutes by generating for you a detailed report. If you strive to make data-driven decisions for your business, you’ll need involve.me’s detailed AI-powered analytics dashboards.

involve.me analytics

What is included in our analytics dashboards?

involve.me built-in analytics dashboard include everything you need to make smarter data-driver decisions.

General Performance

See the general participation data of your projects. Track visits, submissions, completion rates, average time to completion as well as the overall result distribution for the questions you included in your quizzes, surveys or calculators. These metrics will help you better understand the performance of projects.

Detailed Metrics

See participant behavior across mobile, desktop and tablet. See how your conversion funnel performs in a visual way. Find out in which countries your participants are located or which embeds perform best. Lastly, you can explore the question funnel to find out at what part of your project participants drop off.


Get a closer look at the individual responses you’ve collected. See responses according to the outcomes you’ve defined and detailed responses per each of the questions you’ve included in your project. You can see completed submissions as well as partial submissions. Partial submissions help you find out where to optimize further.

Personal Data

If you’ve included a form in your project you’ll be able to see all personal data nicely presented in a list. Personal data may include the participant’s first and last name, email address, phone etc, it’s really up to you to decide. Keep in mind that you are the sole owner of this data, you can read more about it in our data processing page.


involve.me offers you the possibility to connect payment gateways to your projects. If you collect payments as part of your quizzes, calculators or forms you’ll be able to see all payment information under “Payments”. View completed payments, failed ones, selected payment gateways, amount as well as personal details associated with these payment so you can follow up with customers if needed.

AI Insights & Report

To speed up your data analysis process we have introduced this new and powerful addition to our analytics dashboards. AI insights will take your collected project data and will provide you with a comprehensive report analyzing all responses and providing conclusions and recommendations. This is a powerful tool especially if you’ve collected large amounts of qualitative data.

AI Insights ✨

Tired of sifting through hundreds of submissions and responses? Want to make sense of your data quickly?

That’s exactly why we have recently introduced a new and powerful analytics feature. In less than a minute you can generate a detailed AI-powered report for your project, even if it has large numbers of submissions. The AI model will process your responses and provide you with a well-structured business report. In the report you’ll have an executive summary, detailed explanation of the results, conclusions and recommendation for further actions. Our AI Insights feature is the easiest way to make sense of your quality data. Find our insights that you might have not come up with on your own.

NPS® Survey Maker.

Your benefits

Full ownership of collected data

Full GDPR Compliance

involve.me is based in Vienna, Austria. As an EU based company we adhere to all GDPR compliance requirements. If you collect personal data, you’ll have the full ownership of it. Additionally, you can set your data retention period to have personal data deleted at fixed intervals (30 days, 6 months, 1 year etc). Check out our data processing & privacy policies

Data Export

If you wish to analyze your data further or feed it into your local dashboards, you can export your data as .XSLX or .CSV files with a click of a button. Pick a tade range and export all relevant data in one click.

Personality Quiz Maker.

Get your data where you need it

Apart from analyzing your data within involve.me, you can integrate with other powerful automation tools and automatically sync submission data with other tools as well. Don't worry, all collected data will still be available in your involve.me account so you’ll always have complete analytics dashboards. 

No credit card required

Beyond Analytics

Build Customer Profiles

analytics illustrations.

Well-rounded customer view

Data you’ve collected across your projects will help you get a deeper understanding of your audience.

With our customer profile view you will be able to learn more about participants who have taken one or more of your quizzes or surveys. The more a participant takes part in your quizzes and surveys, the more detailed their profile will be. Our customer profile dashboard will neatly show you all data you’ve collected for each participant and help you gain better understanding of their needs and wants.

Client Voices

What our clients say about us

"Easy to use, yet customizable enough for professional users."
walls icon.
"Powerful and intuitive tool for boosting conversion and engagement."
"With involve.me we’re able to process leads 4 times faster."
placement international.
"Superb tool to analyze & understand customer behaviour."

Rated highly on software review sites